Here we will put enlightening and uplifting videos to share with you.
Aether is a unique essence of life force energy that flows through the universe and most of existence. The source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana. It is the mystical celestial element that is also known as the 5th element itself. ~ Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Aether. In Plato’s Timaeus, speaking on the topic of air, Plato mentions that “there is the most translucent kind which is called by the name of aether.
There are 4 different types of aether – Warmth – Radial Expansive Centrifugal Impulse creating – Binding biological force – Light – Radial Expansive Centrifugal Makes things visible – Upright force in plants and humans – Tone/Chemical – Suctional Contractive Centripetal Harmonizes – Structures development of phenomena – Life – Suctional Contractive Centripetal Unifies an object and its environment
One claim is that Aether is the pure essence that the Mythological gods lived and breathed in the same way humans did with air. Another claim is that Aether is the force used by God himself to create the Universe. Another reference would be in the Hermeticist book “The Kybalion” that not only explain its nature but the plane it comes from. There have been many claims and theories made by alchemists, philosophers, and scientists, such as Nikola Tesla, and Dayton Miller that confirm the Aether’s existence.
“Ether is the medium for every electromagnetic wave, from radio waves to gamma rays.” ― Nikola Tesla
My understanding is that this story is from a play, but if you listen carefully, you will find gems of wisdom! A mind-boggling article had surfaced a little while back, about a lost or intentionally hidden interview, with the master of electricity, Nikola Tesla. Circulating rumor’s suggest that the “Interview” is a fake, but how do we prove it? Impossible! Well, we now know that the article comes from the theater play, ‘Tesla: Or Adaptation of an Angel.’ meaning, “Adaptation of Tesla,” by Stevan Pešić, a Serbian playwright, but the real question is, did Nikola Tesla really conduct such an interview? We are all hungry for more of Nikola Tesla’s wisdom on spirituality and his relationship with Swami Vivekananda and we get a beautiful glimpse of that in this interview, even if it’s fake, it still holds thought provoking wisdom.
Sacred Geometry Centers within Your ENERGY BODY
Dr. Robert Gilbert explains the power of sacred geometry and bio-geometry and how to use them in our daily lives through balancing personal and social energies. The Lost Energy Science used in Ancient Egypt, China, India, Europe and other great cultures. Practical methods to directly detect and apply the full range of invisible vibrations which affect human life (secrets of the “Universal Vibrational Spectrum”). The science of establishing harmony in energy quality exchange between biological fields and their environment, through the use of a design language of form, color, motion and sound.” It is the resulting subtle energy harmony, which brings about the healing qualities of BioGeometry.
BioGeometry works as a bridge between physical and subtle energy levels. Shapes resonate with various levels of consciousness and can be used as tools to access information and correct disturbances.
The universe is in flux, and humanity stands at the threshold of immense change. Recent months have witnessed a surge in solar activity, signaling the culmination of the solar cycle. As we approach the expected solar maximum, a period of heightened solar activity, we find ourselves confronted with an unexpected phenomenon—an intense magnetic storm. |
“Concerning sound also and hearing, once more we make the same declaration, that they were bestowed by the Gods with the same object and for the same reasons; for it was for these same purposes that speech was ordained, and it makes the greatest contribution thereto; music too, in so far as it uses audible sound, was bestowed for the sake of harmony.
And harmony, which has motions akin to the revolutions of the Soul within us, was given by the Muses to him who makes intelligent use of the Muses, not as an aid to irrational pleasure, as is now supposed, but as an auxiliary to the inner revolution of the Soul, when it has lost its harmony, to assist in restoring it to order and concord with itself.” -Plato, Timaeus 47c
What if the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of your mind and reality lies hidden in plain sight? This exploration bridges the gap between ancient spiritual wisdom and cutting-edge scientific understanding. Delve into the unseen, and discover how these invisible forces shape our existence. Are you ready to uncover the secrets that have eluded seekers for centuries?
This is a wonderful energy! It opens the heart chakra. Lets you feel loved. If you have been through a break up, lost a loved one, etc, you will be surprised how good this works. On the other side if your heart is open and you feel like love the easier it is to draw love to you. After all LOVE is the ANSWER!
Creates complete feeling of being loved. Feeling puts out the energy and like attracts like.
Joe Dispenza explains what happens when the pineal gland is activated and how to activate it. The chakras are believed to be wheel-like energy centers distributed throughout your body that affect well-being and perception. The third eye chakra.
Try out our Opening the 3rd eye Chakra Energy Audio
I don’t want to spoil the video. Please watch first. Cooperation and aid are cross-species. Thank you for watching. |
Black is black because it absorbs all colors. In this video Adi Yogi – The Abode of Yoga, in Isha Institute of Inner-sciences, USA, discusses the significance of wearing black.
The Law of Attraction is only one of the many 50 Universal Laws that affect reality as we know it. Due to the best selling book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, most people have heard about the Law of Attraction and maybe 7 to 14 of the other equally as powerful Universal Laws. The universal laws are also known as Cosmic Laws, Cosmic Principles, or Natural Laws (natural law). They are all one in the same and can be very closely tied to quantum physics (quantum mechanics).
This powerful video will leave you with the Universal Laws explained in a way that will help you operate within them much more effectively. Having a good understanding of how these 50 Universal Laws affect reality as we know it will help you with your positive thinking based meditation, and will also give you a better understand of metaphysics overall.
The winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at Dances With Films Festival, the film shares the Tickell family’s journey with the healing power of grounding, aka earthing, and the people they met and learned from along the way; featuring grounding pioneer Clint Ober, author Deepak Chopra M.D., actress/activist Amy Smart, author/activist Mariel Hemingway, cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, renowned healer Dr Joseph Mercola, engineer and physicist Gaetan Chevalier, PhD. and many others.
Cellular Biologist, Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D, reveals the connection between Quantum Theory and feelings.
How to help the immune system by using hydrogen peroxide in the ears and also as a gargling solution.
Geometry can be found throughout nature and in the works of man.
Inside of you, at all times, there are trillions of natural nano robots walking around, taking out the trash, and packaging strands of DNA. Below the calm, ordered exterior of a living organism lies a complex collection of molecular machines working together to create something greater than themselves. Physicist and author of “Life’s Ratchet” Peter Hoffmann shows us the tiny city beneath the surface.
Watch the full program here:
Are you ready?
Thoth’s prophecy for Egypt
Dorothy Maclean recalls an important message for humanity and the Earth that she received from a small cypress tree in the garden at the community in Findhorn. Recorded at the 3rd World Wilderness Conference in 1983.
It is important to release past experiences that may be creating reoccurring stresses which can trigger an emotion which can in turn trigger disease. It is about forgiveness and responsibility.
Seat of the Soul
The 3rd eye is called the seat of the spiritual vision. It is good if the lower chakras are open first. This energy also opens the 4th and 5th eye. This can give you insight from your higher self.
Spiritual visualization through the seat of the soul.
Order our Opening the 3rd Eye audio
Book:“What Really Makes you Ill”, Interviewing the Authors.
DR. Jon Cunnyngham – Professor OSU